University links

At the university, there are many things one has to look at at the web. Unfortunately, whenever you need it, you just forgot the links. So, I listed some link which I need often here. Enjoy!

You should be warned that the links point to webpages in german only, and that these are outside of my homepage, that is, they don't have the option to return here unless you use the BACK button of your browser. Furthermore, these links all point to german pages.

This is where I was working, starting from the specific to the more general:

University of Magdeburg
EuKReal-Time systems and communicationEchtzeitsysteme und Kommunikation
IVSInstitute for Distributed SystemsInstitut für verteilte Systeme (IVS)
FINSchool of Computer ScienceFakultät für Informatik
OvGThe university itself(german)

I often have to look up some things, for examples the library, eMails, or similar things. For this, the following links are usefull:

Library related:citeseer to find the relevant articles
The Library at OvG
The Library at GMD (very helpfull!)
More resources:Public mirror of GNU/Linux Debian: pub/mirror/linux/debian

Since I once have worked at the GMD which is now part of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, I included some links to where I once was there:

The GMD itself.
AiS (autonomous intelligent systems)
The Library at GMD (very helpfull!)
The old SET-RS top page

Not to forget: The University of Bonn, where I studied and got my diploma:

The University itself.
Informatik/computer science at Bonn