Windows NT/2000/XP programming info

0. Contents

1. Device Driver programming

1. Device Driver programming:

I'm doing some work on programming device drivers for Windows NT based system. Doing this, I find the following links helpful:

Windows Drivers Developer's Digest (WD-3)
Here, some of the best NT driver programmers give valuable tipps and tricks.

OSR Online
Open Systems Resources, Inc (OSR) is a company writing books and developing drivers for Windows based systems. Their website OSRONLINE contains valuable information, for example, the publication "NT insider". Furthermore, two consulting partners, Peter G. Viscarola and W. Anthony Mason, wrote the excellant book Windows NT - Device Driver Development. It's only disadvantage is that this book only covers NT4, not 2000 and XP.

Walter Oney Soft
Walter Oney is writing device drivers, very activate at the newsgroups, and author of the very valuable books Programming the Windows Driver Model, 1st edition and Programming the Windows Driver Model, 2nd edition. I can recommend his expertise.

Windows Hardware and Driver Central
This site is one of many valuable sites of Microsoft.

The Device Driver Development Kit
The DDK is the original place to look for information, tools and libs for writing NT device drivers.
Utilities, sources and information about Windows system. It is the freeare section of Check them both out!

Undocumented NT Internals
Are you in need of undocumented NT functions? Have a look at this site which offers some info on that.